Di Cesare

Donatella Di Cesare is a Professor in Theoretical Philosphy at La Sapienza University in Rome. She is one of the most present philosophers in the public debate as well as in academic circles and the media. She writes for the magazine L’Espresso and newspapers Corriere della Sera and il manifesto, as well as collaborating with many Italian and international websites and magazines. The ethical and political questions about violence in the age of globalisation encouraged her to research the phenomena of torture and terror and explore the dark side of the global civil war, in: Torture (Bollati Boringhieri, 2016) and Terror and Modernity (Einaudi, 2017). The epic clash between the State and migrants is the theme of her book Resident Foreigners. A philosophy of Migration (Bollati Boringhieri, 2017; winner of the Pozzale Prize for essay writing 2018 and the Sila Prize for Economy and Society, 2018). Her most recent books are Marrani. L’altro dell’altro (Einaudi, 2018) and Sulla vocazione politica della filosofia (Bollati Boringhieri, 2018).

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