
Elena Pulcini is Full Professor of Social Philosophy at the Philosophy Department of Florence University. She has studied extensively the subject of passions, of modern individualism and social bonds. She is currently investigating the possible emotional foundation of a new ethic and proposes an innovative philosophy of caring. She is a member of the scientific committees of several Italian journals: Iride, La società degli individui, Iris, Politica e società. She is also among the coordinators of the Florence Seminar on Political Philosophy, and the Gallarate-Cortona Seminar of Critical Theory. She has co-founded the Social Philosophy Seminar (Florence-Turin-Rome) and is vice-president of the Bureau of MAUSS, the Anti-Utilitarian Movement in Social Science. She has authored a number of books including: L’individuo senza passioni (2001), Il potere di unire. Femminile, desiderio, cura (2003), La cura del mondo. Paura e responsabilità nell’età globale (2009), all published by Bollati Boringhieri; and a study of envy, Invidia. La passione triste (il Mulino, 2011).

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