Pietropolli Charmet

Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet, is a psychotherapist with a background in psychoanalysis and a specialization in psychiatry. He has headed psychiatry hospital divisions, has been director of the School of Specialization in Psychology of the Life Cycle, and is professor of Dynamic Psychology at Milan’s Bicocca University. He is president of the Istituto Minotauro, of the CAF-Onlus, director of the A.R.P.Ad-Minotauro School of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy, and head of Milan’s Crisis Center. Following are some of his books published by Franco Angeli: Ragazzi sregolati (2001), Crisis center (2003), Manuale di psicologia dell’adolescenza: compiti e conflitti (with A. Maggiolini, 2004). Mondadori published his 2006 book Non è colpa delle mamme; Laterza published in 2008 Fragile e spavaldo. Ritratto dell’adolescente di oggi; his 2009 book Uccidersi, written with A. Piotti, was published by Raffaello Cortina.


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