Isabella Merzagora, jurist and psychologist, is a Professor in Criminology at the l’Università degli Studi in Milan and President of the Italian Society of Criminologists. She has written 280 publications on subjects relating to criminology and forensic psychopathology; she has collaborated on international research projects and has spoken at many conferences in Italy and beyond. She works as an expert in cases and provides technical consultations in psychopathology; she is a lecturer at the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura and runs specialisation courses for universities in criminology and forensic psychopathology. Her recent books include: Colpevoli della crisi? (Franco Angeli, 2016); Uomini violenti (2008); Compendio di criminologia (2008); Colpevoli si nasce? Criminologia, determinismo, neuroscienze (2012); Lo straniero a giudizio. Tra psicopatologia e diritto (2017); and La normalità del male (2019) published by Raffaello Cortina.