
Laura Bosio was born in Vercelli and now lives and works in Milan as an editorial consultant. In 1997 she collaborated on the treatment and screenplay for the film Le acrobate by Silvio Soldini. She was a lecturer in Writing Techniques for the Master in Journalism at the Università Cattolica in Milan, and she is a contributor to the newspaper Avvenire. Her first foray into fiction came with I dimenticati (Feltrinelli, 1993) winning the Bagutta Prize for a first novel. This was followed by Annunciazione (Mondadori, 1997, new edition Longanesi 2008), awarded the Moravia Prize; Le ali ai piedi (2002), Teresina. Storie di un’anima (2004) by Mondadori; Le stagioni dell’acqua (2007, a finalist in Italy’s top literary award, the Strega Prize), Le notti sembravano di luna (2011) by Longanesi; D'amore e di ragione. Donne e spiritualità (Laterza, 2012).

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