
Luigi Zoja, was born in 1943 and has worked in Zurich, New York and Milan. He was President of the Centro Italiano di Psicologia Analitica (1984-‘93) and President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (1998-2001), the association of Jungian analysts around the world, as well as serving as President on its International Ethics Committee. He has taught at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich and the University of Insubria. He has published books and articles in fourteen languages including: Nascere non basta. Iniziazione e tossicodipendenza (Raffaello Cortina, 2003); Coltivare l’anima (Moretti&Vitali, 1999); and Storia dell’arroganza. Psicologia e limiti dello sviluppo (Moretti&Vitali, 2003). Bollati Boringhieri published: Il gesto di Ettore (2000); Giustizia e Bellezza (2007); and Contro Ismene. Considerazioni sulla violenza (2009). Other works include: La morte del prossimo (2009, Einaudi); and Centauri. Mito e violenza maschile (i Libri del Festival della Mente, Laterza, 2010); Amare oggi (with Lidia Maggi, il Margine, 2012).

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