
Giuseppe Battiston, one of the most widely acclaimed stage and movie actors of Italy’s new generation, has played in S. Soldini’s Pane e tulipani (2000, that performance won him important awards such as the David di Donatello and the Ciak d'oro), Agata e la tempesta (2004) and Il comandante e la cicogna (2012). He also played in C. Mazzacurati’s La giusta distanza (2007), La Passione (2010, David di Donatello and Nastro d’argento awards). He was cast with the comedians Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo in Chiedimi se sono felice. He also played in C. Comencini’s La bestia nel cuore (2005); in A. Segre Io sono Li (2011); in M. Oleotto Zoran, il mio nipote scemo (2012). Among his stage performances were Orson Welles' Roast (2009), that won him the UBU award for the best leading man, 18 mila giorni-il Pitone, written by Andrea Bajani and Italy with Gianmaria Testa (2011); Macbeth (2012).

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