Herodotus, the “father of history”, was a tireless traveler, a keen observer of foreign customs, ever curious about the similarities—and above all the differences—between the mentality of the Greeks and that of the many peoples he encountered. From Babylon to Scythia, from Colchis to Macedonia, from Syria to Libya to Egypt (such was the likeliest order of his travels), Herodotus observed and took notes. A historian for sure, but also, and perhaps chiefly, the first Western ethnographer—a man constantly driven by his curiosity for whatever was distant and different. A man who recorded all his observations lest time—he wrote—plunged human endeavors into oblivion, lest the great and wonderful feats of Greeks and barbarians remained unsung.
Eva Cantarella has taught in Italy and abroad. She is now a Professor of Ancient Greek Law at the Milan University. She’s written several essays on Law and on different aspects of the Roman and Greek world. Among them are: Norma e sanzione in Omero (Giuffrè, 1979); I supplizi capitali. Origini e funzioni della pena di morte in Grecia e a Roma (1991), Secondo natura. La bisessualità nel mondo antico (1995) published by Rizzoli; Itaca. Eroi, donne, potere tra vendetta e diritto (2002), L’amore è un dio. Il sesso e la polis (2007), Dammi mille baci. Veri uomini e vere donne nell’antica Roma (2009) published by Feltrinelli; Il ritorno della vendetta. Pena di morte: giustizia o assassinio? (Rizzoli, 2007); I giorni di Milano (con altri autori, 2010), “Sopporta, cuore...”. La scelta di Ulisse (2010) published by Editori Laterza; Non commettere adulterio (with P. Ricca, il Mulino, 2011); Nascere, vivere e morire a Pompei (with L. Jacobelli, Mondadori Electa, 2011); I greci, i romani e noi (2014), Non sei più mio padre (2015), L’importante è vincere. Da Olimpia a Rio de Janeiro (with E. Miraglia, 2016) published by Feltrinelli; Ippopotami e sirene. I viaggi di Omero e di Erodoto (Utet, Dialoghi sull’uomo, 2014).
Eva Cantarella & i Dialoghi
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