
Roberto Vecchioni studied Ancient Literature at Milan’s Catholic University of the Sacred Heart; taught Latin and Ancient Greek in secondary schools for over 30 years; and taught and continues to teach at various universities in Italy and abroad. He began working with many established musicians in the 1960s and in 1971 released his debut album, Parabola. Widespread success came in 1977 with Samarcanda. His many albums include: Luci a San Siro (1980), Il Contastorie (2005), Di rabbia e di stelle (2007), In Cantus (2009), Chiamami ancora amore (2011), I colori del buio (2011) and Io non appartengo più (2013). A winner of prestigious awards and honours, he has written numerous books and essays, among them the collection of poetry Di sogni e d’amore (2007), Viaggi del tempo immobile (1996), Le parole non le portano le cicogne (2000), Parole e canzoni (2002), Il libraio di Selinunte (2004), the anthology of fairy tales Diario di un gatto con gli stivali (2006) and Scacco a Dio (2009).

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