A shared world: A utopia?

8 Remo Bodei

A shared world: A utopia?

€ 3.00
Saturday 24 May 2014 12:00 noon
piazza del Duomo 1

The planet’s gifts (fertility, potable water, minerals) were assigned in a random fashion to the inhabitants of certain regions in a kind of natural lottery. There are the more fortunate, who own and appropriate the gifts, and the less fortunate, who have none, or only limited quantities. Peoples and individuals have always fought for their survival and for the control of resources. Yet with what right does humanity inhabit the earth and exploit its gifts in such an exclusive manner, as a people, industrial enterprise or individual? Does being smiled upon by providence authorise the total availability of resources? Or, after subtracting the fruit of one’s labours, does everything else constitute a form of undeserved appropriation that should be redistributed? And how? For now, this is a utopia, yet the unavoidable problem is destined to come up time and again as the world’s population continues to grow and as migration from the planet’s poorer regions to its wealthier ones intensifies.




Remo Bodei tought at the Scuola Normale Superiore and at the University of Pisa and at many american and european universities; now he teaches Philosophy at the University of California. He has worked on utopic thinking, on shapes of temporality in the modern world, and on shapes of memory and of individual and collective identity. Among his books: Una scintilla di fuoco. Invito alla filosofia (Zanichelli, 2005); Piramidi di tempo. Storie e teorie del déjà vu (2006), I sette vizi capitali. Ira (2011) by il Mulino; Paesaggi sublimi. Gli uomini davanti alla natura selvaggia (Bompiani, 2008); I senza Dio. Figure e momenti dell'ateismo (by Gabriella Caramore, Morcelliana, 2009); Destini personali. L'età della colonizzazione delle coscienze (2002), Immaginare altre vite. Realtà, progetti, desideri (2013) by Feltrinelli; Le logiche del delirio (2002), La vita delle cose (2009), Generazioni. Età della vita, età delle cose (2014) by Laterza.

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