
Marida Talamona, architect, is Director of the European Master’s Degree in History of Architecture and teaches History of Contemporary Architecture at the University of Rome. She conducts research on 20th century architecture. A member of the Board of Directors of the Le Corbusier Foundation since 2012, she studies Mediterranean architecture and the ties between Italy and France, in particular Le Corbusier and Italian artistic culture. She directed the 15th Conference of the Le Corbusier Foundation and curated the 2012 exhibit ‘Le Corbusier’s Italy’ at the MAXXI in Rome. In 2014, she curated the exhibit ‘Building an Idea: McKim, Mead & White and the American Academy in Rome’. She has written essays and articles on Italian colonial architecture, the works of Italian architects between the First and Second World Wars, reconstruction in Italy and Adriano Olivetti’s role in post-WWII urban planning.

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