
Grammenos Mastrojeni, diplomat, professor and writer, is the Co-ordinator for the Environment for Development Cooperation, Chair of the world Mountain Partnership and Global Islands Partnership and he collaborates with the Climate Reality Project, launched by Nobel Prize winner, Al Gore. Ottawa University asked him to take the first course on Environment, Resources and Conflicts, a subject he continues to teach in various universities in Italy and abroad. His publications include: The Unbreakable Cycle. Peace, Environment, Development and Freedom in Global Balance (Vita e Pensiero, 2002); The Necessary Eco-Revolution (Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2008); Noah’s Ark: Saving the Environment Together (Chiarelettere, 2014); Ora o mai più. Un decennio, e non oltre, per salvare noi stessi e la Terra (Amazon, 2016); and with the climatologist Antonello Pasini, Global Warming, Global “Warring”. (Chiarelettere, 2017).

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