“The hammock of tomorrow”. Considerations in public, in the presence of a cow

3 Michele Serra

“The hammock of tomorrow”. Considerations in public, in the presence of a cow

€ 7.00
Friday 24 May 2019 9:15 pm
teatro Manzoni 3

The new show by Michele Serra debuts at Dialogues. Words - with their power of seduction and their traps - are the stars of this theatrical monologue. In this comic, romantic and improper piece Serra reveals all about his art of writing to the audience. Is writing your opinion in a newspaper column every day for 27 years a kind of power or a punishment? An exercise of style or maniacal showing off? Should we envy animals who live without being condemned to talk? All the people and the subjects covered over the years – politics, society, real stars and fake ones, ordinary people, customs, culture – re-emerge with the same vibrant energy, along with a few surprises. Winding the mass of his writing into a ball, the author also reveals traces of his own weaknesses and obsessions. The real end of the skein may be found in childhood, as is always the case. Fortunately, the ending is still to be written.




Michele Serra was born in Rome in 1954 and raised in Milan. He started writing at the age of 20 and has never wavered from this career path. He writes for the newspaper la Repubblica and the magazine L’Espresso. He has written plays and works for television. He founded and edited the satirical weekly Cuore. With Feltrinelli his publications include: Il nuovo che avanza (1989); 44 falsi (1991); Poetastro. Poesie per incartare l’insalata (1993); Il ragazzo mucca (1997); Che tempo fa (1999); Canzoni politiche (2000); Cerimonie (2002); Tutti i santi giorni (2006); Breviario comico. A perpetua memoria (2008); Gli sdraiati (2013); Ognuno potrebbe (2015); Il grande libro delle Amache. 25 anni di storia italiana con pochi cedimenti allo sconforto (2017); La sinistra e altre parole strane (2017); and Le cose che bruciano (2019).

Michele Serra & i Dialoghi

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