
Stefano Allievi is Professor of Sociology at the University of Padua and president of the master’s degree course in Culture, Education and Global Society. He is director of the Master on “Islam in Europe”. He served as a member of the Italian Council for Relations with Islam at the Ministry of the Interior, and the Committee for the prevention and study of jihadi radicalisation within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. His research centres on the analysis of migratory phenomenon, the sociology of religions and studies of cultural mutations, with particular attention to religious pluralism and the presence of Islam in Europe. His books include: Islam italiano. Viaggio nella seconda religione del paese (Einaudi, 2003); Tutto quello che non vi hanno mai detto sull’immigrazione (with G. Dalla Zuanna, 2016); Immigrazione. Cambiare tutto (2018); and 5 cose che tutti dovremmo sapere sull’immigrazione (e una da fare) (2018) with Laterza.

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