Dreaming of a different kind of school

22 Eraldo Affinati

Dreaming of a different kind of school

€ 3.00
Sunday 27 May 2018 4:00 pm
piazza San Bartolomeo 1

A school can be a place of ethical resistance in a fragmented world in the throes of a full cultural transformation, a place to re-establish the virtuous cycle that connects family, education and social environment, at a time characterised by fragile adults and difficult adolescents. What does quality in a school mean today? How to handle the tricky questions of evaluation and the equality - or lack of - in the starting points of different people? Holding a lesson today means living an experience, rather than transmitting content, it means confronting the risk of pedagogical fiction, handling the digital revolution and how the perception of a text changes, it requires tackling the problem of adolescents’ concentration and unexpressed potential. This is the school as a symbol of interruption and change, following the teaching of Don Lorenzo Milani. This is a school with classes of students from many different backgrounds supporting the fight for integration.




Eraldo Affinati, a writer and teacher, founded the Penny Wirton School with his wife Anna Luce Lenzi to teach Italian to today’s refugees: a system characterised by no classes, individual lessons, no scoring system and no bureaucracy. His books include: Veglia d’armi. L’uomo di Tolstoj (Marietti, 1992); Bandiera bianca (1995); Campo del sangue (1997, finalist for the Premio Strega and presented for the Premio Campiello); La città dei ragazzi (2008); Peregrin d’amore. Sotto il cielo degli scrittori d’Italia (2010); Elogio del ripetente (2013); Vita di vita (2014); L’uomo del futuro. Sulle strade di don Lorenzo Milani (2016, finalist for the Strega Prize); and Tutti i nomi del mondo (2018) for the publisher Mondadori. He curated Storie dall’altipiano (Meridiani Mondadori, 2003), the complete edition of the works of Mario Rigoni Stern. With his wife, he has written Italiani anche noi. Corso di italiano per stranieri. Il libro della Scuola Penny Wirton (Il Margine, 2011).

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