Using nature, contemplating nature in a Mediterranean garden

6 Giuseppe Barbera

Using nature, contemplating nature in a Mediterranean garden

€ 3.00
Saturday 29 May 2010 11:00 am
piazza del Duomo 1

Three continents meet in the Mediterranean - all of them were the cradle of an ancient civilization, and each one has its own distinctive natural landscape. A Mediterranean garden is where excellence in nature and in culture creates landscapes that have been described as ‘fruitful and pleasant’ or ‘pleasant and bountiful’, thus emphasizing the coincidence of beauty and usefulness. In the Mediterranean landscape, plants, animals and the soil meet man’s physical and intellectual needs and integrate them. These landscapes, these gardens are as old as mankind. Today, however, they need to be protected and promoted so that biological and cultural diversity may continue to produce beauty and usefulness, two key ingredients of the cultural identity of the Mediterranean.




Giuseppe Barbera, an expert in the flora and in the agricultural and forestry systems of the Mediterranean, teaches at Palermo University. He contributes to Italian and international scientific journals. Following are some of the books he has published: L’orto di Pomona (L’Epos, 2000); Ficodindia (with P. Inglese, L’Epos, 2001). The latter book was shortlisted for the 2002 Grinzane Cavour Giardini Hanbury prize. He then won the same prize in 2007 with his book Tuttifrutti: Viaggio tra gli alberi mediterranei tra scienza e letteratura (Mondadori, 2007). He also wrote Abbracciare gli alberi. Mille buone ragioni per piantarli e difenderli (Mondadori, 2009). He is a member of the Accademia dei Georgofili and of the Italian Academy of Forestry. He has been responsible for an Italian Environment Fund project concerning the rescue and restoration of the Kolymbetra garden in the Valley of Temples near Agrigento, and of the Donnafugata garden in Pantelleria.

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