The World Wide Web: between new identities and loneliness

3 Mariella Berra , Riccardo Luna

The World Wide Web: between new identities and loneliness

€ 3.00
Friday 28 May 2010 7:00 pm
teatro Bolognini 2

The Internet is the protagonist of the quiet scientific and social revolution that is constantly changing our way of communicating, living, producing as well as our behavior. In addition to the number of forms of individual self-activation, of creativity, and of communal socialization, and to the development of cooperation and inclusion practices, the risks of superficiality, loss of historic memory and of the sense of reality are also increasing, with new forms of digital and social isolation as their possible consequences. Important studies will be referenced in this conversation on ambivalence in the use of the Internet and of social networks, and on the socialization-loneliness dilemma.




Mariella Berra teaches Sociology of ITC networks and data sharing methods for civic goals at Turin University. She is a member of France’s Centre pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement en Informatique et Société. She is the author of: Ripensare la tecnologia (1995); Informatica solidale. Storia e prospettive del software libero (2001, with A.R. Meo); Libertà di software hardware conoscenza (2006), all published by Bollati Boringhieri; and of Sociologia delle reti telematiche (Laterza, 2007).

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Riccardo Luna is the editor of WIRED magazine. He was founder and editor of Campus magazine, was deputy editor of the sports daily Corriere dello Sport, chief editor of la Repubblica. He studied the digital revolution in Silicon Valley, where he met some of its key representatives. Together with R. Giacobbo he has written Chi ha veramente costruito le Piramidi e la Sfinge (Nuovi Equilibri, 2002); Il segreto di Cheope (Newton Compton, 2004).

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