Ballard of the homeless. A different story every night

24 Ascanio Celestini

Ballard of the homeless. A different story every night

€ 3.00
Sunday 26 May 2019 6:30 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

Ascanio Celestini closes the 10th edition of Dialogues with a tale about those at the very margins of society, the forgotten people, those denied coexistence, people who are not welcomed and at best tolerated. Interweaving stories, improvisations and texts from his previous shows, Celestini tells us about the supermarket checkout girl (from Pueblo) or the Old Woman (from Laika) who shops with the prostitute and the woman with her head in a muddle. Giobbe, who is illiterate but knows the layout of hypermarket by heart, is a new character, though his story is already written. And we don’t even know what happened to the storeman who hates the gypsy, but this character already appeared in Pueblo. These are just a few of the possible personalities in this storytelling exercise set in the stimulating environment of a suburb. The narrator tells us what he sees, sometimes things he knows and other times things he imagines.

With Gianluca Casadei (accordion, keyboards and live electronics).




Ascanio Celestini is an author, actor, musician and director. His texts are linked to his research on the ground and explore the memory of events linked to recent history and the collective imagination. His best-known theatre pieces (also shown abroad) are: Radio clandestina (2000); Scemo di guerra (2003); La pecora nera (2005); La fila indiana (2009); Pro patria (2011); Discorsi alla nazione (2013); Laika (2015); and Pueblo (2017). As an author, director and actor, he made the films La pecora nera (2010), Long Live the Bride (2015) and the documentary Parole sante (2007). He has won many awards, for example: the Ubu Prize, Flaiano Prize, Dessì Prize, Fiesole Prize and a Ciak d’Oro. As a writer, his books include: Storie di uno scemo di guerra (2005); La pecora nera (2006); Lotta di classe (2009); Io cammino in fila indiana (2011); Pro patria (2012) with Einaudi and L’armata dei senza tetto (with G. Albanese, Contrasto, 2018).

Ascanio Celestini & i Dialoghi

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