Between four walls or in a den: men and animals

21 Felice Cimatti

Between four walls or in a den: men and animals

€ 3.00
Sunday 24 May 2015 4:00 pm
teatro Bolognini 2

We have so little imagination that we believe animals live like we do, in apartments, houses, villas, caravans, with curtains and the like. The human animal, apart perhaps from the few nomadic groups that still exist on Earth, builds a protected shelter for itself, one that is preferably closed, stable, perhaps out of stone: its own home. The home and private property are concepts that have developed and gone hand in hand. The human animal lives in a home, other animals do not; they don’t even know what private property is. A fox’s lair is not analogous to a human home, in the way that a termite home is not a condominium, nor is a swallow’s nest an attic.




Felice Cimatti teaches Philosophy of Language at the University of Calabria, where he co-founded the Centre for Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Studies, and at the Istituto Freudiano in Rome. He is editor of the Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio and in 2012 received the Musatti prize from the Italian Psychoanalytical Society. He co-hosts the Radio RAI3 programme Fahrenheit and writes about culture for Il manifesto. His publications include Il senso della mente. Per una critica del cognitivismo (Bollati Boringhieri, 2004); Il volto e la parola. Per una psicologia superficiale (2007); Filosofia della psicoanalisi. Un’introduzione in ventuno passi (with S. Vizzardelli, 2012), Corpo, linguaggio e società (with A. Luchetti, 2013) all published by Quodlibet; La vita che verrà. Biopolitica per Homo sapiens (ombrecorte, 2011); Filosofia dell’animalità (Laterza, 2013); and A come animale. Per un bestiario dei sentimenti (with L. Caffo Bompiani, 2015).

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