Evolving Bodies: A fascinating experimental process

10 Telmo Pievani

Evolving Bodies: A fascinating experimental process

€ 3.00
Saturday 28 May 2011 5:00 pm
piazza dello Spirito Santo 1

Recent scientific discoveries have shown that human evolution was not an inevitable progress towards Homo sapiens but a story of diversity with many ramifications that has lasted until very recently. Forty thousand years ago there still coexisted on our planet at least five different human species whose bodies and brains were different from ours. Each of the species in this evolutionary ‘bush’ has explored various adaptive approaches, and the bodies of our cousins and ancestors—some of them as small as Pygmies, others as tall and slender as Watusis—displayed surprisingly unique characters. All of this shows that there have been many different ways of being human, and that the African body of Homo sapiens is but the latest, and unquestionably successful, outcome of a long experimentation process.




Telmo Pievani is Chair of Philosophy of Biological Science at the University of Padua, where he also teaches Bioethics and Divulgation and Natural Science Museology. He is president of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology, a member of the board of the Italian Institute of Anthropology and he collaborates with the newspaper Corriere della Sera and the magazines Le Scienze, Micromega and L’Indice dei Libri del Mese. As a philosopher of biology and expert in evolution theory, he has written many publications, for example: Introduction to Philosophy of Biology (2005); Introduction to Darwin (2012) with Laterza; The Theory of Evolution (2006); The End of the World (2012) with il Mulino; Defending Darwin (Bompiani, 2007); Creation Without God (2006); Evolved and abandoned (2014); Libertà di migrare (with V. Calzolaio, 2016) by Einaudi; Come saremo (with L. De Biase, Codice, 2016); The Unexpected Life (2011); and Imperfezione. Una storia naturale (2019) published by Raffaello Cortina.

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