The lesson from Africa: dialogue needed

15 Wole Soyinka e Marco Aime

The lesson from Africa: dialogue needed

€ 3.00
Saturday 26 May 2018 9:15 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

Wole Soyinka, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, will receive the Dialogues on Man International Award: given to a personality in the world of culture whose thinking and opus testifies to the centrality of dialogue in the development of human relations. Throughout his work, Soyinka explains and demonstrates how African vitality and spirituality, when placed in a context of dialogue between equals, could help us cope with an increasingly complex present. It is essential to rediscover certain values through reciprocal recognition, acquaintance and dialogue, but to do so we must abandon outdated prejudices and stereotypes and look each other in the eye. Soyinka is the perfect guide to accompany us towards an exchange that must happen – both for the future survival of our species and to face up to the overwhelming migratory flow that we observe, often immobile. To quote Pliny the Elder, “Ex Africa semper aliquid novi”, there is always something new out of Africa.




Wole Soyinka, first African winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1986), is the greatest African playwright, a novelist of global fame and poet and author of key essays on African culture and myths. Yoruba was born in 1934 in Nigeria. He was jailed during the Nigerian civil war (1967-69) and later wrote about his experience in isolation in The Man Died (1971). Sentenced to death and persecuted by dictator Sani Abacha, he lived in exile in the USA until 1998. His work is published in Italian by Jaca Book: Theatre, 1 (1979); Theatre, 2 (1980); Death and the King’s Horseman (1993); Myth, Literature and the African world view (1995); Isara. A Voyage around Essay (1996); Aké: The Years of Childhood (2012); several of his novels were recently republished in Italian: The Man Died, The Interpreters, Season of Anomy as was the play The Road (2018) and the unpublished work L’uomo è morto? Smurare la libertà (May 2018).

Wole Soyinka & i Dialoghi

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Marco Aime is professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Genoa. He has conducted research on the Alps and in West Africa. Aime has authored a number of books: Le radici nella sabbia(EDT, 1999); Il primo libro di antropologia(2008), Il dono al tempo di Internet(with A. Cossetta, 2010), L’altro e l’altrove(with D. Papotti 2012), Contro il razzismo (with G. Barbujani, C. Bartoli, F. Faloppa, 2016) published by Einaudi; Verdi tribù del Nord (Laterza, 2012); Gli specchi di Gulliver(2006), Timbuctu(2008), Il diverso come icona del male(with Emanuele Severino, 2009), Gli uccelli della solitudine(2010), Cultura(2013), L'isola del non arrivo. Voci da Lampedusa (2018) published by Bollati Boringhieri; All’Avogadro si cominciava a ottobre (Agenzia X, 2014); La macchia della razza (2012), Etnografia del quotidiano(2014) published by elèuthera; La fatica di diventare grandi. La scomparsa dei riti di passaggio (Einaudi, 2014); Tra i castagni dell'Appennino. Conversazione con Francesco Guccini (2014); Senza sponda (2015) published by Utet. He transleted Atlante delle frotiere by Bruno Tertrais e Delphine Papin (2018, ADD editore); He's going to publish Comunità (il Mulino, 2019).

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